Can You Retire Before Mom and Dad? With Robert Berger

Published: Oct. 22, 2019, 6 a.m.


Robert Berger, Deputy Editor at Forbes and author of Retire Before Mom and Dad, is passionate about helping others build financial independence. In this episode, I talk with Robert about how to plan for retirement and the seven levels you need to reach financial freedom.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • What \\u201cretirement\\u201d can look like for you
  • The seven levels of financial independence
  • Is the 4% rule still relevant?
  • How student loan borrowers can reach financial independence
  • What is the \\u201cmoney audit\\u201d and how it can help cut your spending
  • Why cars are a financial freedom killer
  • What retirement account is the best first step to investing
  • Why expense ratios are a huge factor in investing
  • How to experiment with your finances to increase your savings

Full show notes at:
