Beware Hidden Agendas in the Student Loan Industry

Published: March 30, 2021, 5 a.m.


With so much conflicting information out there about the student loan crisis, it literally pays to have some healthy skepticism when asking for guidance on your specific situation. Listen in as I share the five types of groups who you should be slow to trust when it comes to their advice on your student debt.

In today\\u2019s episode, you\'ll find out:

  • Why some businesses don\\u2019t prioritize finding you the best strategy
  • When it pays to make things a little more complicated
  • When double debt rules and double consolidation makes sense
  • Five types of groups with hidden agendas in the student loan industry
  • The reason servicers don\\u2019t give accurate or good advice on student loans
  • Why Reddit isn\\u2019t the best place for student loan advice
  • How to see past misleading talking points made by brands
  • What happens if you refinance and you shouldn\\u2019t have
  • Why a lot of debt-free advice doesn\\u2019t apply to student loans
  • Why free information is rarely ever the best information
  • Why you should be beware what even nonprofits and schools tell you about your debt


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Feeling helpless when it comes to your student loans?
