Essential Geopolitics: Mohammed Cartoon and Charlie Hebdo Trial

Published: Oct. 23, 2020, 9:45 a.m.

In this episode of Stratfor's Essential Geopolitics podcast from Stratfor, a RANE company, Emily Donahue speaks with Ben West, Senior Global Security Analyst. The topic: the murder of a French teacher for showing his class cartoons of the prophet Mohammed as the trial began in the 2015 attack against French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, for its publication of such cartoons. French police have arrested and detained at least 15 people linked to the attacker and the slain teacher, but so far no indication of deep coordination. Anti-Islamic and xenophobic retaliatory attacks against the Muslim community in France and elsewhere are likely. You can read Ben west’s analysis of this situation - and Stratfor’s security intelligence with a subscription to Stratfor Worldview. Check out the special price for Podcast listeners at