The Swallow Who Was a Willow

Published: April 20, 2024, 12:32 a.m.


A prideful swallow is cursed and changed into the form that she finds most abhorrent, a tree.

Genre: Fable


The swallow was a happy bird, but also somewhat superior. Nothing brought her joy the way flying did. Slicing through the clouds and flicking the air with the perfect points of her tail. She believed that birds were the supreme creatures of the world. Because they could fly. Some insects could fly as well, of course. But birds could fly higher, faster, and farther than any insect.

The happy swallow pitied any creature who could not fly.


What\\u2019s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
EXERCISE: Grab a book off the shelf\\u2014any book!\\xa0 Don\\u2019t bother searching for anything in particular.\\xa0 Open it at random and begin reading.\\xa0 Write down every idea you get from reading what is on that single page. Now turn to another page and do the same thing. Later, scroll down the aisle, pick another book whose title arouses your curiosity; once again open the book at random, and record any ideas that come to mind.

Source: The Daily Writer: 366 meditations to cultivate a productive and meaningful writing life. Fred White. Writer\\u2019s Digest Books. 2008.

20 Master Plots and How to Build Them (And How to Build Them). Ronald B. Tobias. Writer\\u2019s Digest Books. 1993.\\xa0I landed on page 151, the chapter on metamorphosis plot.


Faster Fictioneer
Ever wonder how I\\u2019ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?\\xa0 I have a method.\\xa0 You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER


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Story: \\u201cThe Swallow Who Was a Willow\\u201d Copyright \\xa9 2019 by Nila L. Patel
Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:\\xa0 Nila L. Patel

\\u201cTrip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background\\u201d by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)


\\u201cChecking Inventory\\u201d
\\u201cCold Sanctuary\\u201d
\\u201cIn Tranquil Spring\\u201d
\\u201cVisions of Freedom\\u201d
\\u201cA Bitter Hope\\u201d
\\u201cHeated Lands\\u201d
\\u201cAfternoon Chat\\u201d
\\u201cA Dream of First Flight\\u201d


*These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

Music by Jonathan Shaw licensed from GameDev Market
Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
Changes made to the musical tracks?\\xa0 Just cropping to align with my narration.


Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at
Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at
Find more stories by Nila at


Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. At center a tree that splits off to two main branches close to the base, and splits further out into gnarled bare branches that extend across the top half of the image. Under the right side of the tree is a swallow in flight, seen from the top.\\xa0 The shadowy silhouette of another swallow appears in the background on the left side. Patterned and color-matched borders added at top and bottom to make the rectangular image a square. Watermark of \\u201cStoryfeather\\u201d at bottom right.

This is episode #333. Gasp! What does that mean?
