The Ogre and the Elf Go To Honeymoon City

Published: Feb. 9, 2024, 7:45 a.m.


Longtime lovers the ogre and the elf each recall the first few days of their honeymoon a bit differently.

Genre: Fairy Tale


The ogre snapped her fingers and furrowed her warty brow. \\u201cWhat was the name of the place where we stayed\\u2026was it\\u2026the Twilight Twinklings Inn?\\u201d

\\u201cNo darling, that was for our first anniversary, when we went up north to see the lights.\\u201d

The ogre brought her fist down on the table, making the forks jump. \\u201cMight of the Mermaid! That\\u2019s the place.\\u201d

The elf nodded, then chuckled as a memory arose. \\u201cFirst mishap, our missing luggage\\u2026\\u201d


What\\u2019s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
Write about a couple who have a very different perspective on a shared memory.
Source: A Writer\\u2019s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright \\xa9 2019 HarperCollins Publishers


Faster Fictioneer
I held my first free writing workshop over Zoom to teach my method of writing short stories (an abbreviated version) on 11/8/2023. The workshop is based on my course, called \\u201cFaster Fictioneer: A Doable Method to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish in Five Weeks.\\u201d

You can watch a replay of the workshop here: FASTER FICTIONEER

(You can also buy the course there.)


I\\u2019ve Got Issues For You
The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE


Storyfeather-themed merchandise
T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

Story: \\u201cThe Ogre and the Elf Go to Honeymoon City\\u201d Copyright \\xa9 2020 by Nila L. Patel
Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:\\xa0 Nila L. Patel


\\u201cTrip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background\\u201d by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)


Music by ALBERT FERNANDEZ (Audio Alchemist, Potion Studio)*
\\u201cLocations_Medieval Tavern Song\\u201d
\\u201cLocations_Happy Village (loop)\\u201d
\\u201cHumorous_Exploration (loop)\\u201d
\\u201cExploration_Forest Of Magic\\u201d
\\u201cExploration_Cave (loop)\\u201d
\\u201cBattle_1_normal (loop)\\u201d


Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
\\u201cDesert dance\\u201d
\\u201cA band in the inn\\u201d
\\u201cSand of time (bonus track)\\u201d
\\u201cDonjon monster\\u201d
\\u201cThe bard\\u201d


*These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.


Music by Albert Fernandez and Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
Vocal effects made in Audacity


Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy and Albert Fernandez at
Find more stories by Nila at


Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. An elf man at left and an ogre woman at right sit across from each other at a small round table, barely perched on their seats, their bodies facing forward, gazing at each other. Both have long pointed ears. The ogre has two sharp teeth curving up at the corners of the mouth, and two short horns extending from the front crown of the head. The elf rests his left elbow on the table and the right hand on the left wrist. A stein sits on the table before the elf. The ogre rests her right elbow on the table, holding up a stein, left hand propped on her lap. A plate with food and a fork and knife lie on the table. Above their heads and between them hangs a chandelier with lit candles casting down a soft light.
