John's Fellow Passengers

Published: April 12, 2024, 6:45 a.m.


After a man stuck in the middle seat of a long flight wishes he had more room in his row, his wish comes true: his seatmates start vanishing.

Genre: Mystery


But saying it out loud, he sounded a little foolish to himself, so he laughed and waved a hand. \\u201cI\\u2019m probably just being a worrywart for nothing. But I figure better safe than sorry.\\u201d

The flight attendants agreed. And they said they\\u2019d look for his missing seatmates, and if they returned in the meantime, they asked if John would come back and let them know. They would be serving the final snacks for the flight in about fifteen minutes. They would check in with him then.


What\\u2019s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
Create a scene in a new environment. Make that environment extreme. Put your characters in unusual positions--working beneath a car or reaching for something while standing on a chair. By placing physical constraints on a character, you increase the dramatic effect of your words.

Source: The Observation Deck. Naomi Epel. Copyright \\xa9 1994. Chronicle Books.


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Story: \\u201cJohn\'s Fellow Passengers\\u201d Copyright \\xa9 2019 by Nila L. Patel
Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:\\xa0 Nila L. Patel


\\u201cTrip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background\\u201d by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)


\\u201cIt\\u2019s A Mystery\\u201d
\\u201cMaking A Change\\u201d
\\u201cSmall Steps\\u201d
\\u201cGoing Home\\u201d
\\u201cUniverse Calling\\u201d


Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under\\xa0CC BY 4.0
Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.


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Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Diagram. Partial view of an airplane, from nose to just behind the wings, displaying the configuration of seats. At top left are two fields. Top field reads, \\u201cWelcome, John. D.\\u201d Field below it reads, \\u201cTime remaining: 1:34.\\u201d A key to the right of the nose displays four boxes with text to the right: a purple box labeled \\u201cAvailable: First Class,\\u201d an orange box labeled \\u201cAvailable: Business Class,\\u201d a green box labeled \\u201cAvailable: Frugal Class,\\u201d and a clear box with a slash from top left to bottom right labeled: \\u201cUnavailable Reserved.\\u201d There is one center aisle. At the front of the plane are three rows of first class seats with four seats to a row. Behind this are five rows of business class seats with six seats to a row. Behind this are frugal class seats at six seats to a row, with rows more closely spaced than business class. The rows of frugal class seats continue to the bottom of image, separated into three visible clusters. One of the seats, third row down, second seat over is highlighted in red, and a line extends from it to a text box at left labeled \\u201c11B.\\u201d Above this box is a field labeled, \\u201cYour seat selection.\\u201d\\xa0 Below the seat number is a field with three buttons labeled, \\u201cUpgrade $29.99,\\u201d \\u201cConfirm,\\u201d and \\u201cCancel.\\u201d Borders at right and left make the original vertical rectangular image into a square. The borders contain faded close-up insets of the main image. Watermark of \\u201cStoryfeather\\u201d along the side where the right wing connects to the body.
