I'm Vanishing

Published: Jan. 27, 2018, 2:53 a.m.


I\'m vanishing.

Maybe I\'m not vanishing.\\xa0 Maybe I just think I am.


How would you respond if parts of you began to vanish?


Find out how one person does in this episode of the Storyfeather podcast.

Genre: Fantasy, Horror



Story: \\u201cI\'m Vanishing\\u201d Copyright \\xa9 2014 by Nila L. Patel


\\u201cMysterious Trip-hop Lounge Beat\\u201d by Digital_Emotions

"The Apotheosis of All Deserts" by ROZKOL

"The World Has Moved On" by ROZKOL

"What\'s Behind the Door" by Lee Rosevere

"Universe Calling" by Lee Rosevere

"Snakes" by Lee Rosevere

"Puzzle Pieces" by Lee Rosevere

"Not Alone" by Lee Rosevere

"The Secret to Growing Up" by Lee Rosevere

"Making A Change" by Lee Rosevere

"Ambiant Point of No Return" by Komiku



Music by ROZKOL and Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music by Komiku is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal License
