
Published: Aug. 4, 2018, 2:33 a.m.


If only things had gone as he had envisioned in his visualization exercise.\\xa0 He sighed.\\xa0 Not an exercise, his visualization had gone out of hand and become a full-blow daydream.\\xa0 He had marched into that room, the meeting room, no, the throne room.\\xa0 He had marched into the throne room an embattled king, weary but tested and confident, followed by a dozen loyal knights, courteous in his challenge to his nobles to support his latest royal endeavor.


A man experiences daydreams so vivid, he momentarily forgets what he\'s been doing while he dreamed.\\xa0 Are they just daydreams?\\xa0 Or is something wrong with him?\\xa0 Or could there be a more...fantastic explanation?

Find out in this episode of the Storyfeather podcast.

Genre: Fantasy



Story: \\u201cDaydreamer\\u201d Copyright \\xa9 2014 by Nila L. Patel


\\u201cMysterious Trip-hop Lounge Beat\\u201d by Digital_Emotions


Music by Jesse Spillane

\\u201cDreaming with Feedback\\u201d


Music by Lee Rosevere

\\u201cPuzzle Pieces\\u201d

\\u201cThe Long Journey\\u201d

\\u201cTry Anything Once\\u201d


\\u201cMax Flashback\\u201d


\\u201cIt\\u2019s A Mystery\\u201d

\\u201cI Believe in You\\u201d


Music by Komiku

\\u201cFrozen Jungle\\u201d


Music by Lee Rosevere\\xa0 and Jesse Spillane is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Music by Komiku is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal License


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Find more music by Lee Rosevere, Komiku, and Jesse Spillane at

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