Copper Penny

Published: March 15, 2019, 7:01 a.m.


It had been lying on the concrete inside the white stripe of paint that delineated the parking spot he\\u2019d taken.\\xa0 And when Rix opened the door to step out of his car, his left foot landed beside it.\\xa0 It glinted in the noon sun as if newly minted.\\xa0 It certainly looked newly minted, but it couldn\\u2019t be.\\xa0 He marked the year on the coin.\\xa0 It was the year he was born.\\xa0 Rix smiled a little and put the coin in his pocket.


A young man picks up a penny one day and his luck begins to change\\u2026and change, and change.

Find out how on this episode of Storyfeather.

Genre: Mythology, Fantasy



Story: \\u201cCopper Penny\\u201d Copyright \\xa9 2014 by Nila L. Patel


\\u201cMysterious Trip-hop Lounge Beat\\u201d by Digital_Emotions


Music by Nctrnm




Music by Lee Rosevere

\\u201cTech Toys\\u201d

\\u201cUnder Suspicion\\u201d

\\u201cIt\\u2019s A Mystery\\u201d



Music by Nctrnm and Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0


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Find more music by Nctrnm and Lee Rosevere at
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