Ep. 2: High Noon Over The Commonwealth pt. 2

Published: March 19, 2021, 1:06 p.m.

Here ye’, here ye’, and ye’, and ye’, and of course - ye’. Tensions raise as shenanigans pin the biggest bruiser in the ring against somebody who has never stepped foot in it. Ready to put on a show, J’ynzelea charges at Ricky. Hector calls on a friend for a little help, Vagas empties his pockets, and the new found adventuring party makes a new friend.


Tavern Tune this week written and contributed by Reader Remember. Check out their new record Beautiful Garbage Machine on band camp.



This show is edited by our very own Lucas Cardwell.


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Stories Unroll’d is:


Ryan Normile (Dungeon Master)

Kalli Brassard (J’ynzelea)

John Montiquila (Hector Ross)

Lucas Cardwell (Ricky Dawn)

Klaus Cunningflower (Vagas Ornada)