Two Hour Cocktail Party by Nick Gray: how to be more interesting

Published: Sept. 18, 2022, 11:43 p.m.

About the book


You know that well-connected friend who only exists in the movies? The one who throws the best parties and can set up any introduction you need?

Everyone wants to know someone magical like this who brings people together. The secret is:\xa0you\xa0can be that person. You\xa0should\xa0be that person.\xa0The 2-Hour Cocktail Party\xa0will show you how.

Discover a simple party-hosting formula with step-by-step instructions that help you meet new people, strengthen your existing relationships, and make you the person everyone wants to know.

You\u2019ll learn which days are the best to throw events (probably not the ones you think!) and what to say to the first people who arrive. Learn how to ensure your invitations get responses and your guests show up excited to mingle. Plus, get helpful pre-party checklists and a breakdown of activities to encourage new connections.

With\xa0The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, you\u2019ll make new friends, boost your career, and leave everyone asking. \u201cWhen\u2019s your next party?\u201d




About the author


Howdy \U0001f44b\U0001f3fc


I\u2019m Nick Gray. I just launched a new book:\xa0The 2-Hour Cocktail Party.


Most people know me as the Founder of\xa0Museum Hack.


I hate museums. That\u2019s why I started Museum Hack. It was\xa0featured in a popular TEDx talk. Then I grew it to a multi-million dollar business.


In 2019, I sold Museum Hack in an interesting way.\xa0It starts with a juicy takeover; read the story here.


I just turned 40. For my birthday,\xa0I rented out an entire indoor water park. That was fun.






Three big ideas


1) Build momentum


2) Nights, nametags, nibbles


3) Icebreakers

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