Episode 177: How To Create An Exit Intent Pop Up On A WordPress Site: Data Driven Daily Tip 289

Published: April 18, 2019, 3 a.m.


Attention Marketers and Small Business Owners: the data is overwhelming that you should not bombard users with pop-ups that prompt them for their email addresses upon immediately accessing your website.


To many it feels intrusive. They\'ve visited you, and you\'re already asking them for something. Gross.


BUT, there is a web design / digital marketing tactic that the data says works EXTREMELY well, that is non-intrusive.


If you\'ve ever been to a website, browsed around for a minute or three, then moved your mouse to close out that browser tab or enter another URL into the address bar, there is a slight chance that you are prompted at that moment - the moment you try to exit the site - for your email address.


This, my friends, is called an "Exit Intent" pop-up, and this video shows you how to install one on your WordPress website.


Things you\'ll need:


1. A WordPress Website
\\n 2. The Pop-Up Builder Plug-in for WordPress
\\n 3. The Gravity Forms Plug-in for WordPress


We always say that high school kids can build websites. Why would a small business or mid size brand with a small marketing team pay a professional team like Data Driven Design to do it for them? This is one of the many reasons why. We are thinking about how to help you use data to grow your business and acquire new customers.
