Fire & Hemlock, Episode 2- Chapters 4 & 5

Published: Sept. 10, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

It's time for the next episode of Fire & Hemlock, brought to you by Patricia Bing Grant, in which I begin to realize that this whole book is going to be much more emotional than I realized.
I am a big fan of this book and at this point would consider it one of my favorites that has been commissioned so far. That said, it's nothing like what I expected, and I was unprepared for how deeply personal it feels and how nuanced and adult a lot of the themes are. I'm a big fan of how Wynn Jones has handled a lot of this subject matter, and I keep being surprised at how much she seems to make me feel in a few short sentences.
I hope that if you haven't read this book already, you'll consider picking it up. I don't just mean that for the sake of me getting a cut from Amazon, either. But if you'd like to support me, definitely use my link!