Book Launch: The Covert Colour Line by Dr. Oliver Kearns

Published: June 26, 2023, 2:48 p.m.


In this episode, SPIN member Dr. Oliver Kearns presents the findings from his new book, The Covert Colour Line. Oliver argues that postwar Western intelligence represents an emergency response to anti-colonialism. As European empires collapsed, intelligence analysts scrambled to come up with ways of studying new independent governments and populations, while still defending the right of the US and Britain to dictate Middle Eastern affairs.\\xa0


During this recording, Oliver presents some key ideas from The Covert Colour Line and hears from Dr. Claudia Hillebrand (University of Cardiff) and Dr. Shuk Ying Chan (UCL), who offer their thoughts on the book and its contributions.\\xa0


There is also a brief Q&A with the author at the end of the recording.\\xa0
