How do exoplanets form their atmospheres?

Published: Aug. 25, 2023, 5:21 a.m.


The origins of\\xa0Earth\\u2019s\\xa0atmosphere are an enduring mystery\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0but by looking at the formation of atmospheres on planets outside our solar system, we may be able to unravel it.

That\\u2019s\\xa0the hope of Dr George Zhou, from the University of Southern Queensland, who is looking to win time on the James Webb Space Telescope to see how a young planet is having its atmosphere stripped away.

Dr Zhou, who has already used the Hubble\\xa0Space Telescope\\xa0for his research, is hoping Webb will give him an even better idea of how atmospheres come to be.

On this episode of the\\xa0Space Connect\\xa0podcast, he speaks to Jake Nelson on his research and what he hopes to learn from Webb.\\xa0\\xa0
