Chuck C: A New Pair of Glasses, Part 1 (Repost)

Published: Feb. 8, 2018, 1 p.m.

The second episode of Sober Cast was the start of this 6 part series, I thought it was time for a repost.

Chuck C. was born in 1902, and got sober in A.A. in January 1946.

In these 1975 original recordings of Chuck C. at the Pala Mesa Men's Retreat, Chuck shares his experience, strength and hope about recovering from alcoholism. He tells how he recovered from a "tongue-chewing, babbling idiot drunk".

The Pala Mesa Men's Retreat had 64 AA men attending, these recording were made by one of these men on a small tape recorder, and the recording quality is pretty good considering that.

This series of talks was eventually transcribed into the book "A New Pair Of Glasses".
