58: Positive Discipline Strategies with Casey ORoarty

Published: May 25, 2023, 3 a.m.

This week on the Soaring Child, my guest Casey O\u2019Roarty and I are exploring Positive Discipline Strategies.\xa0

Casey is a facilitator of personal growth and development and for the last 15 years, her work has encouraged parents to discover the purpose of their journey and provide them with tools and a shift in mindset that has allowed them to deepen their relationships with not only themselves but also their families.

Casey is a Positive Discipline lead trainer and coach. She hosts a podcast, parenting summits, and live and online classes. Her book, Joyful Courage: Calming the Drama and Taking Control of Your Parenting Journey, is a must read for parents!\xa0

In this episode, Casey shares tips for connecting with teens, strategies for parents to help them maintain their sense of peace, and so many more golden nuggets for parents! I absolutely LOVE the mantra she shared - \u201cfiercely committed, loving detached.\u201d


Key Takeaways:

[4:54] Positive Discipline - what it is and how it benefits the relationship between the child and the parent

[10:45] Personal growth for parents as they begin implementing Positive Discipline

[14:45] Tips for parents of teens for keeping peace in the home

[19:21] The Mantra - Fiercely Committed, Lovingly Detached

[24:56] What surprised Casey the most about the teen years

[31:38] Where to find Casey online


Memorable Moments:

\u201cPositive discipline is based in Adlerian theory, with the core concept being that human behavior is motivated by our perception of belonging and significance.\u201d

\u201cMost of us were raised with the idea that we can reward and consequence our kids into doing the right thing. This is totally different.\u201d

With \u201crelationship centered parenting\u2026you will foster a space and an environment and a relationship that is going to allow your kids to move through the hard things\u2026to move through the rebellion\u2026to move through the risky behavior and still have a place to land.\u201d

\u201cIt has created the dynamic where my kids will come to me and say, \u2018I need to tell you something.\u2019\u201d

\u201cWe are the sum of the experiences and the relationships that we have had over our lifetime.\u201d

\u201cDid I show up the way I wanted to show up? What was the mistake that I made? I\u2019m going to own that with my kid.\u201d

\u201cFinding peace\u2026 is a moment by moment experience.\u201d\xa0

\u201cEverything is temporary. The highs last for a while. The lows last for a while. But there\u2019s always a swing back.\u201d

\u201cThose hard places are where our kids get to develop so many tools.\u201d


How to Connect with Casey O\u2019Roarty

Website: https://www.besproutable.com/\xa0

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joyful_courage/?hl=en\xa0

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeSproutable/\xa0

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joyful-courage-a-conscious-parenting-podcast/id996079418\xa0



Dana Kay Resources:









International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD \u2013\xa0https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/book/\xa0

Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass \u2013\xa0https://bit.ly/3GAbFQl\xa0\xa0

ADHD Parenting Course \u2013\xa0https://info.adhdthriveinstitute.com/parentingadhd

ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program \u2013\xa0https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/packages/
