57: Rewiring Stressed Out Brains with Svetlana Dubinsky

Published: May 18, 2023, 3 a.m.

Many parents of children with ADHD live in a state of chronic stress. Their nervous systems are on high alert all the time, just waiting for that next meltdown or phone call from the school or problem to occur.\xa0

In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, Svetlana Dubinsky shares her expertise about how to rewire stressed out brains.\xa0

Svetlana is the founder and president of Mindset Shifts Happen Here. With over 30 years in the healthcare industry,\xa0 she is known for inspiring change and transformation through her organizations and the clients she has worked with. Svetlana has worked for and with the most recognizable organizations at the highest senior levels. Her partnerships have spanned many strategic focus areas. Her passion and purpose is to help individuals, organizations, leaders, and teams unlock their human potential. She holds an MBA in healthcare, is a certified Neurochange Solutions Consultant, and is a HeartMath Resilience Advantage Trainer.

If you\u2019re a caregiver of a child with ADHD who feels stressed out, you definitely want to tune in to this powerful episode to discover how to break emotional addictions to stress and overwhelm.\xa0


Key Takeaways:

[3:25] Svetlana\u2019s ADHD story

[9:05] The first step to breaking an addiction to stress

[14:50] What parents can do when they feel like they can\u2019t change

[18:50] When someone is not able to see in imagery and only sees in black

[23:43] How Svetlana\u2019s son is doing now

[25:37] Changes other families are seeing

[29:01] Why it\u2019s so hard to change mindsets

[31:35] The benefits of moving to these elevated emotions

[32:49] 3 types of stress

[40:00] One thing listeners can do to take that first step


Memorable Moments:

\u201dOur personality - the way we think, the way we act, and the way we feel - creates our personal reality or our life.\u201d

\u201dIf you want to create a new life\u2026if you want to create a new personal reality for yourself, you have to change your personality. You have to change how you think, how you act, and how you feel.\u201d

\u201dWe become addicted to this life that we don\u2019t even like.\u201d

\u201dIt\u2019s first of all becoming aware. That\u2019s the very first step. Without awareness, we become automatic.\u201d

\u201dIf I\u2019m aware of it, then I can change it.\u201d

\u201dWhen the thought can match the action, you\u2019re going to have a new experience.\u201d

\u201dIf you can teach people why you\u2019re doing something and what you\u2019re doing, the how becomes easier.\u201d

\u201dWe use meditation to change the belief system.\u201d

\u201dIt\u2019s literally how we think, how we act, and how we feel that dictates everything.\u201d

\u201dNo organism can live in emergency mode forever.\u201d

\u201dChronic stress creates a PTSD brain.\u201d



How to Connect with Svetlana Dubinsky:

Website: https://www.mshh.org/who/\xa0



Dana Kay Resources:









International Best Selling Book, Thriving with ADHD \u2013\xa0https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/book/\xa0

Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass \u2013\xa0https://bit.ly/3GAbFQl\xa0\xa0

ADHD Parenting Course \u2013\xa0https://info.adhdthriveinstitute.com/parentingadhd

ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program \u2013\xa0https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/packages/
