One Year: 1955 - The Cutter Incident

Published: Sept. 28, 2023, 7 a.m.

Jonas Salk\u2019s polio vaccine transformed America and the world in ways that seemed unimaginable. But in 1955, there was a moment when everything was in doubt. This week, Josh Levin talks with Dr. Paul Offit about the medical mystery that threatened to derail one of history\u2019s most important scientific breakthroughs.\n\nJosh Levin is One Year\u2019s editorial director. One Year\u2019s senior producer is Evan Chung.\n\nThis episode was produced by Kelly Jones, Evan Chung, and Sophie Summergrad.\xa0\n\nIt was edited by Josh Levin, Joel Meyer, and Derek John, Slate\u2019s executive producer of narrative podcasts.\xa0\n\nMerritt Jacob is our senior technical director.\n\nJoin\xa0Slate Plus\xa0to get a bonus 1955 episode at the end of the season. Slate Plus members also get to listen to all Slate podcasts without any ads. Sign up now to support One Year.\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit