In this week\u2019s essay, John dives deep into the loss of his beloved dog, George, the essayist\u2019s dilemma, the comfort of quiet mornings, and more.\n\xa0\nNotebook Entries:\nNotebook 75, page 5. September 5, 2021\nI go to the morning alone.\n\xa0\nNotebook 75, page 6. September 6, 2021\nPhantom nails on the stairs\n\xa0\n\xa0\nReferences:\n\u201cEvery Dog Is a Rescue Dog\u201d by John Dickerson for\xa0The Atlantic\n\u201cOxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds\u201d by Miho Nagasawa for\xa0Science\nHaikus\xa0by Jennifer Gurney\n\u201cWhich Pet Will Make You Happiest?\u201d by Arthur C. Brooks for\xa0The Atlantic\n\u201cThe Family Dog Is in Sync With Your Kids\u201d by Gretchen Reynolds for\xa0The New York Times\n\xa0\nPodcast production by Cheyna Roth.\nEmail us at\\n\xa0\xa0\nWant to listen to Navel Gazing uninterrupted? Subscribe to Slate Plus to immediately unlock ad-free listening to Navel Gazing and all your other favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking \u201cTry Free\u201d at the top of our show page. Or, visit\\xa0to get access wherever you listen.\n\nHost\nJohn Dickerson\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit