Dear Prudence: My Brother Is a Budding Alex Jones. Help!

Published: May 3, 2024, 7 a.m.

In this episode, Heben Nigatu (HBO\u2019s\xa0Game Theory with Bomani Jones\xa0and BuzzFeed podcast\xa0Another Round) joins Prudie (Jen\xe9e Desmond-Harris) to answer letters from readers about what to do when a group chat explodes over allegations about offensive humor, when to cut a narcissistic stepsister from the wedding guest list, and how to relate to a little brother who\u2019s openly sharing his wild conspiracy theories and alt-right views across social media.\nIf you want more Dear Prudence, join Slate Plus, Slate\u2019s membership program. Jen\xe9e answers an extra question every week, just for members.\nGo to\\xa0to sign up. It\u2019s just $15 for your first three months.\nThis podcast is produced by Se\u2019era Spragley Ricks, Daisy Rosario, and Jen\xe9e Desmond-Harris, with help from Maura Currie.\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit