Dear Prudence: I Hate My Fiances Mustachebut He Refuses to Get Rid of It. Help!

Published: July 7, 2023, 7 a.m.

In this episode, Meredith Goldstein (advice columnist and features writer for The Boston Globe) joins Prudie (Jen\xe9e Desmond-Harris) to answer readers\u2019 dilemmas about commitment, wedding locations, and whether you\u2019re allowed to make demands about your partner\u2019s facial hair.\xa0\nIf you want more Dear Prudence, join Slate Plus, Slate\u2019s membership program. Jen\xe9e answers an extra question every week, just for members. Go to to sign up. It\u2019s just $15 for your first three months.\xa0\nPodcast production by Se\u2019era Spragley Ricks and Daisy Rosario, with help from Brandon Nix.\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit