Dear Prudence: How Do You Know When Its Time to Break Up With a Friend? Help!

Published: June 23, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'In this episode, Alisha Wainwright (actor and host of the new podcast series, When Science Finds A Way) joins Prudie (Jen\\xe9e Desmond-Harris) to answer your letters from readers about friends who don\\u2019t call you when they\\u2019re in your town, the pros and cons of dating divorced men, and what to do when you\\u2019ve pressured your friend to break up with someone who\\u2026 ends up being a great husband to someone else.\\nIf you want more Dear Prudence, you should join Slate Plus, Slate\\u2019s membership program. Jen\\xe9e answers an extra question every week, just for members. Go to to sign up. It\\u2019s just $15 for your first three months.\\xa0\\nPodcast production by Se\\u2019era Spragley Ricks and Daisy Rosario, with help from Brandon Nix.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'