Care & Feeding: Parenting Fearlessly, Onstage and Off

Published: Aug. 22, 2024, 6 p.m.

On this episode: Lucy sits down with actress and author Mandy Gonzalez for a wide-ranging conversation about parenting, building a creative mom group, and enduring cancer treatment with your head held high. Mandy also answers questions from our own budding Broadway stars.\n\nThen: Lucy, Zak, and Elizabeth debrief with a round of parenting Triumphs & Fails \u2014 including an update on the Rosen family\u2019s move overseas.\xa0\n\nJoin us on Facebook and email us at to ask us new questions, tell us what you thought of today\u2019s show, and give us ideas about what we should talk about in future episodes. You can also call our phone line: (646) 357-9318.\n\nIf you enjoy this show, please consider signing up for Slate Plus. Slate Plus members get an ad-free experience across the network and exclusive content on many shows\u2014you\u2019ll also be supporting the work we do here on Care and Feeding. Sign up now at to help support our work.\n\nPodcast produced by Maura Currie.\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit