Care & Feeding: Loving An Interrupter

Published: Oct. 21, 2024, 7 a.m.

On this episode: Elizabeth, Jamilah and Zak help a member of the Slate Parenting Facebook group who's wondering how to help her seven and five-year-olds \u2014 and especially her son \u2014 learn how to listen. They\u2019re both vibrant kids with a lot of ideas\u2026 so how do you not dull their sparkle, while also getting those lips a little more zipped?\n\n\nWe also check in on what\u2019s happening in the hosts\u2019 lives right now. And then, if you\u2019re joining us for the Plus Playground \u2014 out now in your podcast feed \u2014 we\u2019re discussing a column from The Guardian that says parenting is financially ruinous.\n\nIf you\u2019re not part of the Slate Plus community, we hope you\u2019ll consider joining! Keep reading to learn how.\n\nJamilah\u2019s check-in: Midwest musings\nElizabeth\u2019s check-in: Grand Theft Bra-to\nZak\u2019s check-in: Noa and Eli\n\nJoin us on Facebook and email us at to ask us new questions, tell us what you thought of today\u2019s show, and give us ideas about what we should talk about in future episodes. You can also call our phone line: (646) 357-9318.\n\nIf you enjoy this show, please consider signing up for Slate Plus. Slate Plus members get to hang out with us on the Plus Playground every week for a whole additional grab-bag of content \u2014 and you\u2019ll get an ad-free experience across the network. And you\u2019ll also be supporting the work we do here on Care and Feeding. Sign up now at \u2013 or try it out on Apple Podcasts.\n\nPodcast produced by Maura Currie.\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit