Care & Feeding: Do We Need a Stroller for International Travel?

Published: June 10, 2024, 7 a.m.

b'On this episode: Zak, Jamilah, and Elizabeth answer a listener question about whether it\\u2019s really necessary to lug around strollers and car seats during an international trip. The answer is complicated, but among other tips, we do recommend the following:\\n\\nThe City Mini stroller\\n\\nThe gb Pockit+ stroller line\\n\\nThe Doona car seat/stroller system\\n\\nThe Mifold compact booster seat\\n\\nThe CARES harness for plane seats\\n\\n\\nWe also dole out a round of regular recommendations and share some stuff that listeners have been loving \\u2013 and for our Slate Plus listeners, we\\u2019ll imagine our own personal parenting training montages (shoutout to listener Aili and her son Silas).\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nJamilah recommends: A hotel staycation (but voluntary)\\nElizabeth recommends: Magic Puzzle Company Puzzles\\xa0\\nZak recommends: Taki\\n\\nJoin us on Facebook and email us at to ask us new questions, tell us what you thought of today\\u2019s show, and give us ideas about what we should talk about in future episodes. You can also call our phone line: (646) 357-9318.\\n\\nIf you enjoy this show, please consider signing up for Slate Plus. Slate Plus members get an ad-free experience across the network and exclusive content on many shows\\u2014you\\u2019ll also be supporting the work we do here on Care and Feeding. Sign up now at to help support our work.\\n\\nPodcast produced by Maura Currie.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'