#762: Our weekly highlights and recap of powerful business lessons

Published: Jan. 6, 2024, 4:01 p.m.


In today\'s episode, we have highlights of a prior show. This episode spotlights the benefit of being part of a like minded community, touches on bundles and how a VA fits into their business model.


We covered episode #688 - Forming Relationships in our Amazon seller community pays off big


Today\'s highlights:


The 1st guest details her eCommerce journey that has led to this point in time!


The 2nd guest then shares her journey to date\\u2026


The guests emphasize the importance of relationships in this business! Jim talks about their decision to brand register individually reminding the listeners of Dave Ramsey\\u2019s quote - \\u201cThe only ship that won\\u2019t sail is a partnership!\\u201d Jim encourages the listeners with this incredibly important concept - the people you surround yourself with - that is your business success! And then quotes Jim Rohn - \\u201cShow me the people you\\u2019re hanging out with and the content you\\u2019re consuming and I\\u2019ll show you your future!\\u201d


The guests discuss their business models which utilize RA, OA, wholesale for replens and branded bundles as well as a little treasure hunting!


As Jim and the guests discuss their bundles, he reminds listeners about The Proven Brand Building course that included within The Proven Amazon Course (PAC)


Jim shares 2 thoughts - 1) A VA is no better at sourcing than their seller is - the seller needs their own system and processes in place in order to train their VA to do it the way the seller wants it done\\xa0 2) The Proven Bot Sourcing content course (not in The PAC yet) - is great for those sellers who have extensive wholesales lists to work through and mentions that OA simplified is a great training course as well.\\xa0 (in the PAC). There is also a course in The PAC that teaches how to find a VA!


Jim talks with the sellers about growing their businesses! - from hiring VAs, to finding people to help with prep and then moving to a prep center. The hardest work sellers will do is from $0-$5000, after that processes are in place and it becomes easier to grow the business!\\xa0


The guests give some additional helpful tips: 1) When ready for a prep center, be ready to really amp up the inventory volume! 2) Be prepared to pivot with your business model(s) as needed! 3) As you continue to build your business, keep good people and good systems in place and build on those!\\xa0


Jim and the guests discuss the branded bundle model in more depth! There is a LOT of opportunity in this business model! Proven Brand Building course is in The PAC for those who want to learn more!


Jim discusses a variety of funding options for the guests\\u2019 Amazon business including credit cards, an Amazon loan (not recommended), Accrue Me, Seven figure funding and loans from family/friends.


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/2Ip5HvKvUf4


Show note LINKS:


SilentSalesMachine.com - text the word \\u201cfree\\u201d to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim\\u2019s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit https://silentsalesmachine.com/ssm11/ffv11/!


AccrueMe - funding partner who fully understands the various Amazon selling models that we teach! Check out their special offers: https://silentjim.com/funding


My Silent Team Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam 100% FREE! Join 74,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively.


ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in May! \\xa0TheProvenConference.com/orlando/


