#68: Let's talk Amazon merch

Published: June 8, 2017, 4:10 p.m.


In this extended episode we talk to a Merch expert as well as a coach in our community who are both very knowledgeable about Merch!\\xa0 Merch is really heating up and it\'s a pretty simple biz model too. All you have to do is submit simple t-shirt design ideas to Amazon (free) and they wait for sales to be made. You get paid a nice profit for each sale!\\xa0 While we don\'t consider Merch a great income model on its own just yet, we do think it\'s a great add on stream of income for anyone who wants to dive into custom printed shirts on the number one shirt selling website in the U.S. - Amazon.com!

https://www.facebook.com/groups/MerchLife/ - Chris\' Merch Facebook group