#660: A live Amazon Q/A with our Facebook members and PAC students

Published: June 24, 2023, 2:05 p.m.


Once per week or so I love to go live on Zoom in the Facebook group with whoever can join me and answer as many ecommerce and Amazon selling related questions as possible.


Recently, we recorded one of these sessions and captured it for you. The questions we discussed are all about getting started and a free video Jim recommends, using the Replens business model, a great resource for booksellers, how to deal with IP issues and more. Great help and resources for all skill levels of sellers - enjoy!


Today\'s episode is sponsored by TheProvenConference.com

Come meet your fellow listeners to this podcast, dozens of our coaches and hundreds of business building warriors at our live event in Ohio! Mark your calendar for July 6th - 8th! You can still get tickets, or GET LIVESTREAM (which includes all recordings) by visiting TheProvenConference.com


Show note LINKS:

Learn exactly how to find profitable\\xa0inventory you can sell right on Amazon in 20 minutes. We hold nothing back! Watch the video now:



My Silent Team Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam 100% FREE! Join 70,000 + Facebook members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There\'s no support community like this one anywhere else in the world!


JimCockrumCoaching.com - Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)\\xa0 ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here! We\\u2019ve been setting the standard for excellence in e-commerce and Amazon seller coaching since 2002 with over 7,000 students served! Hundreds of our successful, happy students have been interviewed on our podcast!


ProvenAmazonCourse.com - the comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course the most popular starting point, the REPLENS selling model. The PAC is updated free for life!


SilentJim.com/updates - get an alert on your smartphone each time we have a new podcast episode or free training event!\\xa0



The guest asks Jim about selling \\u201cone offs\\u201d - Jim recommends new sellers watch this: SilentJim.com/introvideo when getting started and suggests avoiding \\u201ctreasure hunting\\u201d and \\u201cone offs\\u201d for building a sustainable Amazon business\\xa0


The guest asks Jim the best way to keep track of information for taxes. Jim offers some simple recommendations for new sellers! Jim also issues a warning against new sellers starting with the Private Label model!\\xa0


The guest started selling books and asks Jim about the process of finding Replens! Jim talks about \\u201cintense focused effort\\u201d and many different strategies that can be used! Then Jim mentions an additional resource for booksellers! https://provenamazoncourse.com/safebookprofits/\\xa0


The guest asks Jim about the possibility of 2 people in the same household having Amazon selling accounts and if this is going to cause an issue with Amazon! The guest also talks with Jim about her daughter self-publishing a PL book and Jim shares his knowledge regarding publishing books! He emphasizes that the community surrounding a book is the greatest asset rather than the book itself!\\xa0


Jim talks about the upcoming Proven Amazon Conference and mentions how he wants attendees to use a 2 word phrase frequently with others, \\u201cHow\\u2019s business?\\u201d Jim also discusses introverts and business and what a great combination this is!


\\u201cAnnie, your other question about ugly websites that are giving deals too good to be true\\u2026\\u201d Jim talks about how to determine if a website is legitimate or \\u201cfishy\\u201d and now to use caution when sourcing so you can defend a complaint, if received


The guest gives an update on his new business and Jim asks a question that he often asks, \\u201cWhat is the next step for your business?\\u201d Jim mentions Dave Ramsey\\u2019s book, Entreleadership and how it\\u2019s important to hire a \\u201crevenue generating help\\u201d and not just \\u201cconvenient help!\\u201d Jim also mentions the importance of relationships in business!


The guest asks Jim about deleting listings while waiting to replenish inventory and asks if this affects the IPI score? Jim also reminds new sellers that they can use the search feature at the top of the My Silent Team FB page to search for topics - such as IPI!


Jim discusses \\u201ctest worthy ASINs\\u201d and encourages a new seller in how the process works! Jim really encourages new sellers too to listen to as many podcasts as possible to really learn the Replens model!\\xa0


The guest asks Jim if it is possible for her to be successful with selling on Amazon as a stay at home mom?! Jim encourages her that this is more than possible!\\xa0


The guest discusses the challenges of being an international seller on the Amazon.com platform. He also asks Jim about wholesalers and how to utilize them. Jim also puts a plug in here for the new bot sourcing program that is being launched that will be helpful for sourcing!!




