#243: No one can compete with a good bundle on Amazon

Published: Dec. 11, 2019, 8:10 p.m.


In this episode\\xa0we give you access to a full hour of training that we recently did with the paid attendees at our latest TheProvenConference.com event! We had over thirty sessions, but this one was on the topic of creating unique listings on Amazon called "kits" or "bundles". We explain the difference between the two, explore how to prevent competition and make sure you know what you need to know to start creating unique listings that repel competitors!

SilentJim.com/bundles : A link to the audio from this session
ProvenAmazonCourse.com - our comprehensive Amazon training course that includes our bundling training
ProvenBundlingCourse.com - Our most recent bundling training course (the same one that\'s in the ProvenAmazonCourse)
TheProvenConference.com - our upcoming July 2020 conference in Florida