#221: Family of 5. ProvenAmazonCourse.com success & multiple income streams

Published: Sept. 26, 2019, 1:08 p.m.

Having recently left his six figure corporate job to pursue the entrepreneurial lifestyle full-time, Richard along with his wife Shelley are very excited about the future. They have built three income streams and today we'll hear about each of them. Their Amazon selling business is currently centered on the wholesale selling strategies taught in the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course and they have two other exciting businesses as well that allow them to be home and together a lot with their beautiful family of five! Show notes and links at SilentJim.com\xa0 \xa0 Notes: The Facebook post they made that prompted this episode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/2319725621476868/ You need to be a member of our community to view this.\xa0 \xa0 Watch this episode on YouTube:\xa0https://youtu.be/cWWV0J4URVE \xa0

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