#157: Fail fast to succeed! Your biggest mistake likely is a success story in the making.

Published: Dec. 21, 2018, 8:01 p.m.


Meet Tim Jordan. Tim is a very successful coach on the JimCockrumCoaching.com team who was first introduced to online selling by the Proven Amazon Course.\\xa0 In this interview, Jim lets the conversation go in a personal direction which ends up loaded with wisdom. Right out the gate, we learn from both guys how personal failure is the perfect way to success. The biggest mistakes Tim has made in business lead to a discussion on simple testing strategies which bring big wins on Amazon. Don\'t miss this exciting interview highlighting the best strategies in sourcing. Check out the show notes at\\xa0http://silentjim.com/podcast

Watch us on YouTube\\xa0https://youtu.be/T2PZIm45ATo
