#137: Walk into stores and walk out with profit ProvenQ4Plan.com

Published: Sept. 7, 2018, 1:26 p.m.


Quite possibly the lowest hanging fruit business model that we teach is our RA (aka Retail Arbitrage) strategy of sourcing profitable products either ONLINE or through walk-in retail stores. You\'ve heard from numerous members of our community in past episodes that have talked about their wild success in this arena, and now as we approach "Q4" (the fourth quarter of the year) we are more excited than ever about the sourcing forecast for sellers!\\xa0 This episode will equip you with strategies and tools to ensure a wildly profitable "Q4". Show notes at SilentJim.com/podcast
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ProvenQ4Plan.com - get the best retail and online sourcing strategies in the world
Blog post about the supposed "death of retail arbitrage":\\xa0
Facebook post about "what to say to store clerks with questions":
Podcast episode about the ethics of "arbitrage" (buy low/sell high): SSMR\\xa0Episode #21