Before you jump to conclusions about the title of this episode, rest assured that I am not suggesting we take away back-to-school and live in eternal summer.\xa0Quite the opposite.\xa0Get those kids in school.\xa0Keep them there.\xa0For a very long time. No more summers, 3-day weekends, mid-winter breaks.\xa0None of it.\xa0All school, all the time.\xa0Ha!\nCan you tell I\u2019m thrilled that it\u2019s finally back-to-school season?!\nIn this episode, I\u2019m inviting you to Take Back Back-to-School by taking back this season to center yourself.\xa0You very likely just spent the last 3 or so months centering your kids, your family, and perhaps your extended family in one million ways.\xa0NOW??\xa0This is your time.\xa0\xa0\nSeptember is pretty much New Years for moms.\xa0Happy New Year!\xa0We made it!!\xa0\nNow that you made it, what will you do with this time, this season, these last 4 months of 2023?\xa0\xa0\nI\u2019m going to invite you to take this time for you.\xa0Make it about your needs.\xa0Center yourself.\xa0\xa0\nIn this episode, I\u2019ll share 3 ways you can get started.\xa0\xa0\nHappy September, Mamas!\xa0Happy New Years!\xa0WE MADE IT!\nLinks mentioned:\nJoin My September Retreat for Women Leaders at Work: Influence & Ignite: Be the Boss Your People Have Been Waiting For:\nJoin my October Retreat for Women Entrepreneurs: Influence & Ignite: Be the CEO and Thought Leader You Were Born to Be:\nWe love the sponsors that make this show possible! You can always find all the special deals and codes for all our current sponsors on our website:\nInterested in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit