The Custodians of Creation with Tyson Yunkaporta

Published: May 20, 2021, 7 p.m.


This week, we switch hemispheres and head Down Under for an out-of-the-ordinary conversation with the Australian indigenous writer, academic and traditional wood carver Tyson Yunkaporta.

Tyson reflects on the dominant global order behind our current crises and the havoc it\'s wreaking upon animals and all life. We\'re caught up in an unstoppable race, he argues. Will man-made economic systems or the planet\'s natural ones collapse first? And can we humans recover our rightful role as custodians of the Earth\'s sentient beings and all creation?

To explore even more deeply, you might want to pick up a copy of Tyson\'s paradigm-shifting book, "Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World," published by HarperOne, 2020.

Intro music: "The Spaces Between" by Scott Buckley.

Interstitial music: "Rendezvous with Rama" by Stellardrone.

Photo: James Henry.
