A Writer's Connection to the Salish Sea with Rena Priest

Published: April 29, 2021, 9 p.m.


Rena Priest is an award-winning poet and writer, a National Geographic Explorer and a member of the Lummi Nation.

In April, she was named Washington State Poet Laureate - the first time Washington has awarded this role to an indigenous poet.

Today, we discuss Rena\\u2019s calling to write about the Southern Resident Orca, whom the Lummi consider their "relatives under the sea."

Rena also honors us with indigenous storytelling and worldviews.

Call to Action: Join the campaign to free Tokitae and sign the petition here.

Intro music: \\u201cThe Spaces Between,\\u201d by Scott Buckley.

Interstitial music: "Endeavor," by Stellardrone.
