Why Its Time to Develop Your Strategic Sales Plan

Published: Aug. 17, 2021, 4 a.m.


In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we\\u2019ll discuss how you should be preparing to reach your end of year goals. The year is more than halfway through, now is the time to figure out a plan!

Points we will discuss include:

  • Evaluate where you are
  • Don\\u2019t give up, make a plan
  • Plan ahead

The best way to reach your goals is to evaluate where you are and start planning accordingly so you can reach your target!

Be sure to listen to all of episode 562 for all the details!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag us, @jengitomer & @jeffreygitomer!\\xa0 And don\\u2019t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and share your key takeaways with us!



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