Why Active Listening is Important For Your Sales

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 5 a.m.

In episode 524 of the Sell or Die Podcast, we want to talk to you about a subject that has eluded salespeople for a long time. That subject is listening. When we say listen, we don’t mean you listening to others, rather, how to get other people to listen to YOU.

Some key points we discuss include:

  • How you can establish yourself as a speaker that people want to listen to.
  • A real-life example of people failing to listen, and how you can encourage them to actively listen.
  • Tools and techniques you can implement to encourage active listening.

The lesson for the day is to create a compelling, humorous, and memorable message that other people WANT to listen to, not HAVE to listen to. To hear more about why active listening is important for your sales, don’t forget to tune in to episode 524 of the Sell or Die Podcast.

See you next week for another episode of Sell or Die!

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