Sales Lessons of the World's Greatest Mentor with Tim Rohrer

Published: Oct. 5, 2023, 2:09 p.m.


In this episode we get to learn sales lessons from the world\\u2019s greatest mentor as we talk with Tim Rohrer.

Unlike so many sales professionals, Tim Rohrer was fortunate to have a sales manager at the beginning of his career who mentored him through the challenges that he faced. He went on to be highly successful as a sales professional, and a manager himself, for over 25 years. In this episode, he shares some of the lessons he learned, including:

  • How time kills deals and ways to move the sale along

  • How to use trust and credibility to build relationships

  • Why you should never ask, \\u201cWhat\\u2019s your budget?\\u201d and what to do instead

  • The business math that drives all sales

  • Understand and take advantage of why people make emotional decisions

See Tim on his website HERE

Get his book HERE

and connect with him HERE

