Preparing Physically and Mentally To Achieve Your Goals

Published: May 25, 2021, 4 a.m.


In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we\\u2019re discussing the importance of getting physically and mentally ready to work. To be productive there are things all of us should be doing to set ourselves up to achieve our goals. Tune in to hear all about our tips on the best ways we\\u2019ve found to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for our business.\\xa0

Points we will discuss include:


  • How to get physically ready
  • How to get mentally ready


There is preparation work that goes into it being productive! We encourage you to get yourself into a good routine that will prepare you mentally and physically before you start your worklist.

Be sure to listen to all of episode 551 for all the details!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag us, @jengitomer & @jeffreygitomer!\\xa0 And don\\u2019t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and share your key takeaways with us!



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