Motivation Monday: The Least Understood Ingredient to Sales Success...

Published: Jan. 20, 2020, 8 a.m.

Show Notes

00:25 Die Hards, it’s Monday! Go Get shit done!  

01:30 Exuding Pride of Accomplishment when something great happens

02:05 The Fallacies of Salespeople

03:00 Poll vote on facebook about the episode

04:15 A Solid metaphor about Pride

08:25 How proud are you of what you do and what you serve?

09:00 The Danger of false Pride

11:20 The Challenges of self-pride

12:45 Measuring the Level of Pride in what you offer 

13:28 The Love of Do and the Pride of Do

18:00 Pride and Personal best

19:20 The fine line between confidence and arrogance

20:30 Pride that comes with personal belief 

21:00 Get shit done even if your ass falls off and be proud of it! 


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