How to Uncover the Decision Maker and Qualify the Buying Process

Published: Feb. 23, 2021, 5 a.m.


In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we\\u2019re talking about uncovering the decision maker when it comes to closing a sale. We\\u2019ve all been there. You\\u2019re getting closer and closer to making the deal happen, and you think you\\u2019re talking to the person who is going to make that decision. And just when you think you have it, they tell you they need to run it up the chain. It\\u2019s super frustrating! What we want to tell you today is that when you ask the right questions, you can uncover who the decision maker is and sell to them much sooner in the buying process.\\xa0

Points we\\u2019ll go over include:

  • Asking the right questions
  • Getting all the decision makers in one place
  • Beginning with the outcome in mind

Die hards, we want you to take personal responsibility for your sales. If you get close to a sale and you suddenly realize you\\u2019re not talking to the decision maker, don\\u2019t blame the customer. YOU didn\\u2019t find out who the decision maker really was. It\\u2019s on you to take ownership and learn from your mistakes so you can do better in the future.\\xa0

To learn more about uncovering the decision maker in the sales process, be sure to listen to episode 539 of The Sell or Die Podcast.

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag us, @jengitomer & @jeffreygitomer!\\xa0 And don\\u2019t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and share your key takeaways with us!


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