How Do You Deal With Sales Competition? Are You Taking Responsibility for Yourself?

Published: July 13, 2021, 4 a.m.


In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we\\u2019re discussing what to do if you feel like everyone else is making sales and you\\u2019re not.\\xa0

In the episode, we\\u2019ll go over strategies and mindset hacks you can follow to shift back into a winner mentality and therefore, make more sales.

Points we will discuss include:

  • How to determine the reasoning as to why you\\u2019re not making sales
  • Mindset shifts to make\\xa0
  • The importance of taking radical self-responsibility\\xa0

Remember - you are in control. If you choose to dwell in a negative headspace you will only attract negative. If you think positive, you\\u2019ll attract positive AKA more sales!\\xa0

Be sure to listen to all of episode 558 for all the details!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag us, @jengitomer & @jeffreygitomer!\\xa0 And don\\u2019t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast and share your key takeaways with us!



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