Expertise and Reputation Development for Client Attraction

Published: Sept. 1, 2020, 4 a.m.

When it comes to making sales, it’s much easier to talk to someone who already wants to buy as opposed to convincing someone to buy. In episode 515 of the Sell or Die Podcast, we are talking about the number one way you can establish expertise and attract people who want to buy from you.


Some key points we discuss include:

  • If you put out value, people will want more.
  • What's the title you give to yourself? That’s what you can become known as, and ask yourself if this title portrays something you are trying to transfer.
  • Figure out what you’re an expert in and determine if you are communicating your expertise in the best possible way.


It comes down to simply disciplining yourself and determining that you are going to become an expert in your field. Then, putting out valuable and attractive content. And for even more details on the number one way to build expertise and develop client attraction, don’t forget to tune in to episode 515 of the Sell or Die Podcast to learn even more about all the points outlined above.

See you next week for another episode of Sell or Die!

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