Actionable LinkedIn Strategies to Increase Leads and Clients with Dennis Brown

Published: March 3, 2020, 8 a.m.

Dennis Brown has built 3 multi-million dollar businesses during his 25-year career as an entrepreneur. During that time his companies have been ranked 7x on the prestigious Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing company list. He’s the author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful LinkedIn Users” and has generated over $20 million in new business from LinkedIn and social selling. He’s also the host of the top 50 rated marketing podcast called Growth Experts, where he and his guests share proven growth strategies, tactics, and tools.



00:55 Sell or Die is going to put money in your wallet!

01:20 Guest intro: Dennis Brown and using LinkedIn

03:30 Putting LinkedIn to effective use

05:05 Right way to engage people with your content

07:25 Critique on a Posting strategy in LinkedIn

09:15 Leveraging a content in your LinkedIn post

12:30 Strategies to develop a connection with influencers 

14:10 Monetizing content creation in LinkedIn

17:30 Connections versus followers

18:18 Infomercial: Follow the Instagram page of Jen and Jeffrey

20:25 Optimizing your profile to increase LinkedIn leads

22:00 Three buckets for content creation

24:50 Brown’s reasons for joining LinkedIn

26:40 Using LinkedIn as a platform for business advantage

30:28 Tip to leverage on your LinkedIn connection request 

33:30 Sparking a conversation for a business opportunity 

36:02 The competitive edge on establishing close connections 

38:12 Jen and Jeffrey’s takeaways  from this LinkedIn strategies conversation

40:20 Link something even if your ass falls off!

40:30 End of podcast



Pick up a free copy of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful LinkedIn Users:


Free download of The Ultimate Guide to Generating Inbound Leads with LinkedIn:


Listen to Dennis' Growth Experts podcast here:


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