SPJ073 Steven A. McKay, Historical Fiction Writer

Published: July 24, 2017, 5 a.m.


Steven A. McKay\'s first book, "Wolf\'s Head", came out in 2013 and was an Amazon UK top 20 bestseller.

It has an incredible\\xa0389+ reviews on Amazon.co.uk ... if you\'ve ever tried to get reviews, that\'s an astonishing\\xa0number.

"Blood of the Wolf" is the fourth and final book in the Forest Lord series which has over 95,000 sales so far.

As a historical fiction author, Steven is currently working on a brand new tale - tentatively titled "The Druid" set in post-Roman Britain.

Find Out More:

1) Steven\'s website:\\xa0https://stevenamckay.com/

2) Follow Steven on Twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/SA_McKay

3) Follow Steven on Facebook:\\xa0https://www.facebook.com/steven.mckay.355

4) Steven\'s Goodreads page:\\xa0https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7161617.Steven_A_McKay

5) Steven\'s Amazon Author page:\\xa0https://www.amazon.com/Steven-A.-McKay/e/B00DS0TRH6/

Interview Talking Points:

1) How I sold 90,000* ebooks - blog post:\\xa0https://stevenamckay.com/2016/07/11/how-i-sold-90000-ebooks-some-tips/

2) Amazon Academy event write-up:\\xa0https://stevenamckay.com/2017/05/26/amazon-academy-kdp-event-eicc/

3) Gordon Doherty:\\xa0http://www.gordondoherty.co.uk/

4) Simon Turney:\\xa0http://www.sjaturney.co.uk/

5) Ben Kane:\\xa0http://www.benkane.net/

6) FreeBooksy:\\xa0https://www.freebooksy.com/

7) BookLemur:\\xa0https://www.booklemur.com/

8) InstaFreebie:\\xa0https://self-publishing-journeys.com/IF\\xa0[My affiliate link]

9) BookBub:\\xa0https://partners.bookbub.com/

10) BookTracker:\\xa0https://book-tracker.com/

11) Book Report: https://www.getbookreport.com/

12) Amazon ACX:\\xa0http://www.acx.com/

13) AudioBookBoom:\\xa0https://audiobookboom.com/
