SPJ070 John Hindmarsh, Thriller Writer

Published: July 3, 2017, 5 a.m.


John Hindmarsh writes thrillers and science fiction \\u2013 sometimes with a crossover between the two.

He is originally from Australia, he\'s spent time in England and now lives in California where he writes full time.

Raised as a farmer, John studied for and qualified as a Certified Public Accountant, then transitioned into an IT consultant.

He has self-published several novels, writes short stories and is a serious photographer.

Find out more

John\'s website: http://johnhindmarsh.com/

John\'s Facebook page:\\xa0https://www.facebook.com/JohnHindmarshAuthor/

John\'s Amazon Author page:\\xa0https://www.amazon.co.uk/John-Hindmarsh/e/B005309ASK

John\'s Goodreads author page:\\xa0https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7337086.John_Hindmarsh

Talking Points

John\'s Broken Glass cover art:\\xa0http://mjb-graphics.co.uk/broken-glass/

Thrilling Reads interview with John Hindmarsh:\\xa0http://get.thrillingreads.com/mtta-42-john-hindmarsh/


InstaFreebie:\\xa0https://self-publishing-journeys.com/IF [My affiliate link]

Vellum formatting software:\\xa0https://vellum.pub/ [Recommended!]

