SPJ054 Merita King, Sci-Fi Novelist & World Builder

Published: March 13, 2017, 5 a.m.


Merita King\\u2019s stories are inspired by watching Star Trek \\u2013 with William Shatner \\u2013 and Blakes 7, which was really popular in the UK in the 70s.

Merita is the creator of The Lilean Chronicles, The Sinclair V-Logs series and several standalone stories.

She is a self-published author and regular blogger who also provides some excellent and helpful \\u2018how to\\u2019 articles on her website.

Merita began writing in 2011 and has a back list of twelve books to her name.

Merita\\u2019s website:\\xa0https://meritaking.com/

Merita on Facebook:\\xa0https://www.facebook.com/MeritaKingNovelist/

Follow Merita on Twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/meritaking

Merita\\u2019s Goodreads page:\\xa0https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5762816.Merita_King

Merita\\u2019s Amazon Author page:\\xa0https://www.amazon.co.uk/Merita-King/e/B0062NEATG

Merita\\u2019s Google+ page:\\xa0https://plus.google.com/103300817631297019460

Merita on Authorgraph:\\xa0https://www.authorgraph.com/authors/MeritaKing

Talking points:

Blake\\u2019s Seven:\\xa0https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blake\\u2019s_7

Mailchimp for email marketing:\\xa0http://www.paulteague.com/mailchimp-ar [Affiliate link]

InstaFreebie:\\xa0http://www.paulteague.com/IF\\xa0[Affiliate link]

Hootsuite:\\xa0http://www.paulteague.com/hootsuite\\xa0[Affiliate link]

Merita\\u2019s article on EIN numbers and USA tax:\\xa0https://meritaking.com/tag/tax-code/

Merita\\u2019s compelling description of her self-publishing journey:

Since June 2011, I have been writing novels and short stories and now have a backlist of twelve books, with another finished to first draft and yet another half written. All have failed to sell and still nobody is interested in my work. I have tried doing free giveaways, one facebook release event I arranged garnered the impressive attendance of just 2. I am now experiencing the painful trauma of realising that I am wasting my time publishing and probably should not bother doing so again. When I say painful, I mean it. Failing at this is the most painful thing of my entire life so far. I cannot adequately explain how much I want to be a successful novelist, and to fail so spectacularly is a burden that is too much to bear.

Merita\\u2019s writing for readers blog post:\\xa0https://meritaking.com/2014/02/11/write-for-readers-dont-write-for-writers/

Merita\\u2019s romance novel:\\xa0https://www.amazon.co.uk/W-O-L-Merita-King-ebook/dp/B00J9V9VCE/

Arthur C. Clarke novel \\u2018Childhood\\u2019s End\\u2019:\\xa0https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood\\u2019s_End
