Segment City Episode 162 - It Aint Easy Being Parcheesi

Published: Aug. 17, 2023, 3:13 a.m.

b'Nothing like being bullied at a family gathering and then they get to move 20 spaces just to rub it in.This week on the podcast, the boys talk about learning Parcheesi for the first time, how there should be a ego price to having cutesy generated avatars, why Mark Zuckerberg might beat Elon Musk in their boxing match, the German children\\u2019s television character Brundt das Brot who is a depressed piece of toast, Theo tells us about the Baltimore Gold Horde which was gold found by some boys in a cellar of a tenement not once but twice, and Will teaches us How to\\u2026 take a better showers.\\n\\xa0\\nEmail us at'