#59: Be Careful Who You Compare Yourself To

Published: March 6, 2017, 11:04 p.m.

If you liked this episode, we bet that you’ll love our blog content. blog.drift.com/#subscribe Subscribe to never miss a post & join the 20,000+ other pros committed to getting better every day. --- Dave learned a quick lesson from David the other day, and we wanted to share it on the podcast with the Seeking Wisdom community. So here's a quick episode: be careful who you compare yourself to. Pick your role models wisely. PS. Here’s how you can support Seeking Wisdom if you’re a fan of the show: 1. Subscribe. 2. Leave us a five-star review. Here's how: bit.ly/5-Stars-Only. 3. Follow David (twitter.com/dcancel) and Dave (twitter.com/davegerhardt) on Twitter. 4. Learn more about Drift at Drift.com.